
honeymoon planning!

I thought it would be different with a new blog, but I don't really know why... I'm still procrastinating about posting things. and then of course I feel guilty for not having posted... but I'm going to try.

we started booking our honeymoon to sonoma!
we're going to be gone for 10 days and 9 nights. we are going to stay in 2 bed & breakfasts ( McClelland Priest and Ramekins), as well as one hotel with a fantastic looking restaurant ( El Dorado, and two hotels with spas ( Meritage and Sonoma Mission Inn) each one of these places looked better than the last, and then we would flip back, and realized that each one looked 100% fabulous!

the food... well, we couldn't justify the price of going to French Laundry, but fortunately the chef at El Dorado trained under French Laundry's chef, so we will at least get an idea of what we're missing. we have a few ideas about other restaurants to visit, but any ideas would be quite welcome!

as for activities, you may have noticed that Ramekins holds cooking classes... well, we are most certainly going to take one or two! I am quite excited about that part. we are also going to do an olive oil tasting, although we haven't decided where completely yet. of course we'll get some spa treatments, because the whole point of a honeymoon is to destress after spending so much time with family and getting married and all! and naturally we'll do some wine tasting, but again, haven't figured out where yet. we were disappointed to discover that Charles Shaw of two (now three) buck chuck infamy is not a real winery, so we can't go there! we didn't really want to since we don't like the wine, but it woulda been cool to tell everyone that we had been.

any great ideas for us, let me know!


Chris said...

I LOVE the fact that Ramekin seems like actually more of a cooking school with places to stay, than a B&B that happens to offer cooking classes! That'll be so much fun! And staying at a bunch of different places will be great - I did that once in Mass. and even though you had to pack you stuff up and move every couple days, it was still so cool to get to see so many different places! I've got no suggestions, since frequenting "wine country" isn't something I can claim - but you'll have a great time, I'm sure - definitely do plenty of relaxing spa stuff because you're right- it should be all about destressing!

LisaDuvall said...

No suggestions but I wanted to say that I think this is the BEST part of wedding planning. I hope you have a fabulous time on your trip!!